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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Freedom of movement found

During my daughter’s Christmas break in December 2012, my husband and I decided it would be fun to take her and our four-year-old grandson to the Los Angeles Zoo for a special outing. We enjoyed a glorious day seeing the animals.

A heart renewed

I had recently gone through a divorce and moved into a rented home. Loneliness and fear were constant companions.

The power of gratitude

After playing tennis one day last year, I woke up that night with a painful knee. In the morning, I couldn’t walk and needed crutches to hobble around.

Tailbone injury quickly healed

Over 20 years ago, I thought my prayers and the prayers of the practitioner who was helping me had failed to heal me when I had to be hospitalized after I had fallen while on holiday.   Often over the years I have thought about this and wondered why this happened, when so much else in my life has been healed through prayer based on the teachings of Christian Science.

One healing brings another

What started out as a sweet evening roasting marshmallows with three of my grandchildren ended in a healing that deepened my relationship with God and opened my thought to a clearer understanding of my instant access to God’s healing power. Stoking the fire, we were excited to christen our new fire pit by first filling it with paper and small sticks from fallen branches and then lighting the paper.

No space where God is not

Is any condition or circumstance beyond the reach of Christian Science treatment? The records of Jesus’ healing works in the Gospels and of Mary Baker Eddy’s healing works in her writings say, “No. ” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy confirms: “Christian Science heals organic disease as surely as it heals what is called functional, for it requires only a fuller understanding of the divine Principle of Christian Science to demonstrate the higher rule” ( p.

Joy replaces dark thoughts

For many years I struggled with feeling depressed, especially when life seemed particularly difficult. A few years ago, my husband began traveling more often on business trips.

Healing prayer for a pet

I have four dogs—a Great Dane, a border collie mix, and two blue heeler mixes—that I take for walks at least twice a day. One day, nearing dusk, I decided we would walk the trail around our property.

Fully restored after stroke

Many years ago my mother was healed of the effects of a stroke through Christian Science. Witnessing her healing was one of the most important experiences in my life.

Quick recovery

One day, some years ago, a friend gave me a lift home in her car and drew up near my house to drop me off. As I was getting my golf equipment out from the back seat, the car suddenly rolled backward over my left foot.