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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Hemorrhaging stopped

I am grateful to share an experience that proves we can safely rely on God in an emergency situation. I learned that, with God’s help, we never have to wait for assistance.

Wasp sting quickly healed

One hot afternoon in 2009, when I was clearing away a wasp nest that had been previously sprayed with poison, a wasp flew out from this area. It wasn’t headed in my direction, but I panicked anyway, flailing my hand at it, and that hand promptly got stung.

Able to walk again

Some years ago my wife had a wonderful opportunity to work overseas. I was excited for her and wanted to support her, but it was a big move and, frankly, quite overwhelming for various reasons.

A healthy, harmonious day

In May 2012, I traveled thousands of miles from my home in North America to Brazil, to be a speaker at several different speaking engagements in the country. On the morning of the final speaking engagement, in São Paulo, I found myself in a dilemma because I woke up with a queasy stomach and symptoms of diarrhea.

Feet issues resolved

“Mortal mind is the worst foe of the body, while divine Mind is its best friend,” wrote Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, on page 176 in her seminal work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Several years ago, I was privileged to experience that this is true and that divine Mind is not only our best friend but also our healer.

Prayer after a fall

About a year ago, I fell on hard tile. A few days later, I began to sense what I thought might be some broken ribs.

Cervical cancer diagnosis reversed

No disease is big enough to have any power because God is the only power.

Gaming addiction healed

Several years ago I started working for a bank, and most of my job required working on a computer. I was fascinated by it and bought a computer for myself to use at home.

Abdominal pain disappears

In the book of Psalms in the Bible, it says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” ( 103:2 ). With a grateful heart, I would like to bear witness to God’s goodness.

‘I let go of the battle’

In late autumn, a few years ago, I went for a bicycle ride in Central Park in New York City. On my second lap around the park, a pedestrian unexpectedly darted between the bicyclists and runners, colliding with my bike.