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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Burned hand healed

On Christmas Eve 2011, I was baking in anticipation of guests arriving at my house. I took a cookie sheet out of the oven and placed it on the stove top to cool.

A return to Christian Science

Around six years ago, Christian Science came back into my life through a healing that transformed me. Shortly after my divorce I was struggling to make ends meet while living in the back of my cramped art studio, sleeping on the floor.

Son's hearing restored

When my twin boys were in second grade, one of them began having an occasional earache. One night he was in great pain, and my husband took him to the emergency room, where he was prescribed a painkiller.

A case of divine law

On September 13, 2005, I had been studying Christian Science for about eight months. During that time, I had been healed of many addictions (alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana), and my life was on the rise.

Healed of cancer

In 1995, my health started to deteriorate. Doctors diagnosed a cancer.

My daughter was healed

We had been visiting a Christian Science church for about six months, when my daughter was diagnosed with urinary reflux. During those six months, I was still taking my kids to see a doctor and relying on medical means for their health care.

No more hip and leg pain

I found Christian Science at a difficult moment of my life. I was feeling severe pain in my hip, and I was treated at the hospital for this condition for two months.

Foot trouble gone

More than a year ago, I had a painful condition involving my foot. It had been bothering me for a few weeks and hurt so much that I could hardly walk.

Anxiety and pain yield to truth

As the author began to challenge thoughts of fear and sickness, she experienced peace and healing.

Lump on neck dissolved

Shortly before I was scheduled to fly to a highly anticipated reunion with my dad and sisters, a small, hard lump on the back of my neck, which had been there for about a year, suddenly increased greatly in size and hardness. I must admit that I had paid little attention to the lump up until this point.