Testimonies of Healing
All my life I’ve relied on Christian Science for healing. I’ve consistently found Christian Science to be utterly reliable, effective, and health-giving.
With the Los Angeles Marathon taking place in March, it’s timely for me to express my gratitude for a unique opportunity I had to grow in my understanding of God. I took to heart Mary Baker Eddy’s statement, “The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible” ( Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures , p.
One of the first challenges I told a Christian Science practitioner about was my stomach problem, considering it was in the worst state it had ever been. She assured me that this condition could certainly be healed through Christian Science.
About a year ago, I woke up in the morning with a sharp pain in one hip. This made bending down very uncomfortable, and even simple actions, such as putting on trousers, were difficult.
I would like to share with you a healing I had in 2011. I went to Paris to visit my family with a friend who is not a Christian Scientist.
As a teenager, I experienced painful menstrual cramps. Sometimes the pain was debilitating, and I would dread the monthly cycle.
Last year, my seven-year-old son woke up before school one morning and had trouble getting out of bed. He complained his leg was hurting.
When I was in high school, I began drinking coffee in the morning to help wake me up. I soon became dependent upon it and found that if I didn’t have at least one cup of coffee in the morning, I’d be groggy and unproductive all day long.
One day, 15 years ago, while I was working as a seamstress at a friend’s house, the sewing machine’s threaded needle was driven into my left thumbnail, catching my finger under the machine’s darning foot. The puncture was not very deep, but I felt a stabbing pain.
Three and a half years ago I began to have frequent pain in my abdomen. I prayed about it for several weeks, but the discomfort persisted.