Testimonies of Healing
I was brought up in Christian Science and over the years have witnessed many occasions when needs have been met through prayer. Therefore, when I found myself suddenly without a job but with two sets of school fees and rent to pay, it was natural to turn to God.
I was planning to travel to Buenos Aires with my family to attend a one-day meeting, and then spend a few days visiting the city. Our 9-year-old and 13-year-old sons were coming with us.
One day, 15 years ago, while working as a seamstress at a friend’s house, the sewing machine threaded needle was driven into my left thumb nail, catching the finger at the machine's darning foot. The puncture was not very deep, but I felt a stabbing pain.
Sometime ago, one of my wrists suddenly became red and swollen. It hurt every time I moved it.
I was in the middle of moving into my new apartment, when I fell down and injured myself severely. Something had happened to my ribs.
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I am writing this testimony, wishing to give hope to all who are in poor health and afflicted. In 2001, while I was actively working for my country’s public administration, I started suffering from different illnesses.
My wife, Sheryl, and I were touring in our camping RV (recreational vehicle) a couple of years ago and stopped in San Antonio, Texas, at the Alamo. While we were watching a movie at a nearby IMAX theater, chest pain, breathlessness, and extreme exhaustion came over me.
Over a year ago, thanks to Christian Science treatment, I was healed of pain in my knees, back, and hips, which would occur whenever I rode my horse on mountain trails. For several years, I’d struggled with this pain while riding, despite help from expert instructors and various equipment choices and modifications.
When I arrived in Boston to take Christian Science class instruction, everything was fine until I settled in bed for the night. Then I started feeling pain in my right arm, from my shoulder to my hand and fingers.
When my husband and I were expecting our baby, I found it to be a time of deep spiritual growth. My prayer and study of Christian Science during this time brought me to the discovery that pregnancy and childbirth are not physical processes, but the unfoldment of a spiritual idea of God.