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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

No scar from a burn

Because of my profession, I have a more or less public career. I speak in front of many people every day and constantly use my hands.

Injured arm healed

Approximately 34 years ago, when I was seven months pregnant, I found myself praying to achieve my first physical healing. It was summer, and as I was going into a swimming pool, I slipped.

A wife's pure purpose

Mary Baker Eddy calls marriage, “a centre for the affections” ( Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures , p. 60 ).

Stroke symptoms gone

Early in 2009, I got up one morning and had difficulty keeping my balance. As I walked, I had to lean on the walls to steady myself to keep from stumbling.

Child healed of earache

One day, when my son was in preschool, he came home and told me about a friend of his who had been fearful when a story about giants was read at school. A little later my son complained of an earache.

'Clearer than the noonday'

Among the many blessings I experienced as First Reader in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, was a healing I’d like to share. Perhaps it will be helpful to others dealing with the many impositions imposed upon folks such as myself who have seen a good many moons pass by.

Leg injury quickly healed

One recent Wednesday night at church, as I was ushering at the front door, a car drove into the church driveway and then did a U-turn on the lawn. I wondered if it was a prank.

Prayer heals a cyst

When I began studying Christian Science, I would only apply its teachings to solve economic problems, tensions in relationships, and so on; that is, aspects of my life unrelated to health issues. Today, after having had several physical healings through the study of Science and Health, I’ve realized that spiritual growth comes progressively as we solve through scientific prayer the challenges we face, including those related to health.

No, thanks!

The EHEC epidemic had a firm grip on Germany last spring. There already had been casualties, and people were feverishly looking for a cause.

Healing of chronic headaches

All through my childhood I suffered from chronic headaches. Their frequency was such that I could not go a month without needing to take medicines to calm the pain.