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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Extreme symptoms seen for what they were (not)

The spring of my senior year of college I was on the varsity baseball team, and on a Thursday afternoon I went to baseball practice, as usual. We always started our practices with a metaphysical focus, followed by stretching as a team.

Seeing the truth—cavity healed

Years ago when I was a teenager, one day I noticed symptoms of a cavity in one of my back teeth. Since my childhood I’ve been familiar with Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and I decided to treat the tooth condition through Christian Science.

Quick and complete healing of stroke

At a Wednesday evening meeting at church last year, I decided to give a testimony about a most extraordinary story. A few months earlier, my son, David, had told me about a young freelance journalist who worked for him and had been captured by the Libyan military.

Forgiveness brings healing

When I was taking Christian Science Primary class instruction, the teacher gave us the assignment to forgive absolutely everyone in our lives who needed forgiveness. This seemed a daunting task to me, so I procrastinated.

Son's head and teeth injuries quickly healed

My wife and I had taken our small, young family, consisting of a kindergartner and a second grader, to The Hague, Netherlands, for a year, as I was on assignment as an exchange teacher. One day, the school nurse and the principal appeared at my classroom door and motioned for me to approach.

Healing of symptoms associated with cancer

During the summer months of 2008, my abdomen began to bother me and I became unwell. I started to pray for myself right away, and on occasion I asked for treatment from a Christian Science practitioner.

Injured leg and foot healed

I was getting ready to leave for the annual association meeting that I attend because I have had Primary class instruction from a teacher of Christian Science. As I lifted my suitcase to put it into the van, I felt a sharp pull, like a rip, in my right leg, and I also heard a popping sound.

Abdominal pain and rash healed

One night several years ago I woke up with an excruciating pain in my side. It felt as if something had ruptured inside my body.

Prayer after a fall

One afternoon while working with my husband on a condo remodelling project, cleaning out the attic space above the garage, I inadvertently stepped through a floor board and fell about 10 to 12 feet directly onto the concrete floor in the garage. Immediately, my husband said, “You are all right!” before coming down to me.

Healed of back pain

In a recent Christian Science Bible Lesson I read a Bible citation about the woman whom Jesus healed who had “a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself” ( Luke 13:11 ).   This reference reminded me of how grateful I am for a marvelous healing I experienced about two years ago.