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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Emotional stability attained

There was a time in my life when a missed train, an impudent remark, or a flat bicycle tire made me fly into a fury. Sometimes the situations that triggered in me strong feelings of anger, disappointment, desperation, and fear seemed to be substantial and sometimes they were insignificant.

‘Taking’ Mind’s medicine

In 2009, I received a professional fellowship to spend a year in Germany. Though Germany was a country I’d never visited, and I didn’t know German, I was excited about the adventure.

Freedom from anxiety attacks

Recently I was reading “Your questions and answers” in the October 2012 Journal , where the questioner commented on making Christian Science one’s own (Question: “ Do children need to make Christian Science their ‘own’? ” Answered by Richard Evans). This started me thinking about how and when in my lifetime did I really begin praying and knowing the truths taught in Christian Science for myself.

Healing brings church alive

Not so long ago I thought I was doing all I needed to do for church by working as a Christian Science nurse. I decided that this was my church work.

Arthritis symptoms dissolve

Last year I began experiencing pain in my hip. The pain didn’t prevent me from doing my usual activities, so at first I didn’t take it seriously.

Even the simplest truth heals

Sometimes sticking to the simplest truth can bring about healing. In this case it was: “Man is made in the image and likeness of God” from the Bible’s book of Genesis (see 1:26, 27 ).

Be yourself—Overcome anger

I was really trying to know the Christ. I had been reading in the Christian Science Bible Lessons, the Herald and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy quite a lot about the perfect man, created in the image and likeness of God, though I was having a hard time understanding this concept.

Balance and stability regained

After an especially intense semester as a university professor, I realized that something in my body was wrong. A constant feeling of weakness and dizziness caused me to slow down and move gingerly.

No room for bad effects

I was in the middle of moving into my new apartment, when I fell down and severely injured myself. Something had happened to my ribs.

Unnecessary to suffer a cold

One morning while vacationing in Maine, I awoke with all the symptoms of a cold. The Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson for the week was “Mortals and Immortals,” and I expected to receive inspiration from it to free me from this aggressive negative thought.