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Testimonies of Healing

Feet issues resolved

From the October 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“Mortal mind is the worst foe of the body, while divine Mind is its best friend,” wrote Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, on page 176 in her seminal work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Several years ago, I was privileged to experience that this is true and that divine Mind is not only our best friend but also our healer.

I had gone through some difficult experiences. A dear friend of mine had suddenly spread lies about me behind my back, my mother had passed away, and unpleasant challenges arose among my relatives. Deep sadness and grave disappointments were trying to pull the rug out from under my feet.

Mortal mind, our “worst foe,” appeared to have a firm grip on me. “Mortal mind” is a term used in Christian Science to describe thoughts that would steal our joy of living, our gratitude, and—even worse—our trust in divine Love, attempting to convince us that our lives are built on a material, mortal foundation.

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