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Letters & Conversations


From the October 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I felt compelled to express my appreciation for the July 2013 issue of the Journal. There are three pieces that really spoke to me about subjects that I have “wrestled” with over the years. 

Barbara Vining’s article on “Understand, be firm, and yield!” hits the nail on the head when she concludes that when faced with a stubborn challenge, “the remedy is not in the letter but in the spirit of loving God enough to bring the argument to a conclusion.” 

I also appreciated Susan Booth Mack’s response in the Q&A section regarding discouragement surrounding the diminishing number of folks brought up in Science and then not attending church and/or not practicing Christian Science. As a mother of a middle-school-aged daughter, I can understand this frustration. Susan’s response is so well stated: “… stop just talking, teaching, and wanting others to know about the allness of God and know it!” This response was a wonderful “treatment” for me as to how to better see our local church with its dwindling numbers and not feel frustrated or discouraged.

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