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Moving a mountain

From the October 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A little boy plopped down in his seat and blurted out to his Sunday School class, “My mommy is dead!” The entire class began to cry. Their teacher had already heard that the boy’s mother had committed suicide a few days earlier. The teacher had been earnestly praying about how to help this child. 

While she tried to console the class, the superintendent of the Sunday School came and sat down next to the boy. This superintendent started to draw a picture. First, she drew a large triangle and said it represented a mountain. Next, she drew a stick figure of the boy on one side of the mountain and his mother on the other side. Then, she drew the sun high above with lots of rays shining down. She said, “You and your mother are both alive, having fun climbing the mountain, but you can’t see each other because the mountain is in the way. But what can see both of you at once? The sun. Now think of God in place of the sun. God knows that you and your mom are alive and well because He can see the two of you all the time.”

This simple drawing made sense to the boy. He smiled when he realized his mom was all right. He was especially comforted to know that God was caring for both him and his mom right then. 

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