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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Chronic cough healed

Years ago, after I became engaged while on a summer holiday with my boyfriend and his family, I began suffering with symptoms of deep congestion in the lungs. I brushed this aside as just a common cold, but by Christmas, when I was visiting my parents, my dad expressed concern about the wrenching, hacking sound of my cough and other frightening symptoms.

No more need for glasses

Years ago, I wore glasses because I had vision problems, including depth perception, tunnel vision, and crossed eyes. When I decided to treat this condition through Christian Science, I didn’t pray to make the material condition of my eyes better, but tried to better understand my spiritual sense of vision and its purpose.

A normal, natural birth

When I was pregnant with my first child, I prayed daily with a Christian Science practitioner to prepare myself for the child’s arrival. This served me well on many occasions.

No evidence of detached retinas

As a young man, I was hired to sing the solo on Sundays at a Christian Science church. Within a few weeks it was clear to me that this practical religion of divine Love was exactly what I wanted to pursue.

Dog bounces back

Although mature in dog years, my chocolate-colored Labrador retriever, Casey, has always been quite active and healthy. He loves to run and swim, and has five other dogs as full-time companions.

My hearing is perfect

In January 2010, I traveled with my daughter to Argentina and Chile. When I put on my headphones to watch a movie on the airplane, I realized that I could hear very little with my right ear and nothing with my left ear.

Growth on face gone

Each of us is loved and blessed by God as His image and likeness. We are not cursed.

Refreshed and healed

Several years ago, in the early hours of one Saturday morning, I awoke feeling the power of good at work in my consciousness. I knew at that moment that a Christian Science healing had taken place.

Freed from asthma

From 1983 to 1990, I suffered from severe asthma. Even the smallest things seemed to bring on an attack: exposure to dust, perfume, and cigarette smoke, as well as eating certain types of food.

Drawn to the Christ

Several years ago, my father passed on. He’d been a role model for me and an active part of my life.