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Testimonies of Healing

The power of gratitude

From the December 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After playing tennis one day last year, I woke up that night with a painful knee. In the morning, I couldn’t walk and needed crutches to hobble around. I was unhappy and worried about a possibly long recovery time.

That same morning, I’d received an e-mail about a video of a Christian Science lecture given by Betty O’Neal on The topic was “The Healing Power of Gratitude.” Gratitude was the farthest thing from my mind at that moment, but I watched the lecture anyway because I knew that lifting my thought from worry and fear was the first step toward healing.

As I watched, it was as if the lecturer were speaking directly to me. Every point made perfect sense and was relevant to my struggle. Her statements of truth were direct, powerful, and matter-of-fact. The spiritual truths shared said to me: There’s no need to feel sorry for yourself. Instead, open your heart, be genuinely grateful for the good already present, and you’ll be healed.

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