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New books!

From the December 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To view a video about the Sterling Edition go to

Mary Baker Eddy said about our Pastor, “Science & Health and the blessed Bible are the only two books that lead you surest in the right way” (L04913, Mary Baker Eddy to Mrs. S. B. Maxwell, November 2, 1886, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, The Mary Baker Eddy Library). She also said about Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “How important that this book that God dictated should be our only standard, especially, now that so many are trying to raise false standards in the name of C. S. Let us as loyal adherents draw up nearer to the book that has the divine signet upon it and hold this one banner aloft” (L11013, Mary Baker Eddy to Ellen Brown Linscott, September 12, 1887, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection).

The Office of the Publisher’s Agent has the great privilege of stewarding the production and distribution of all of our Leader’s writings on behalf of the Christian Science Board of Directors as publisher. And it is with great love and joy that we announce the forthcoming publication of a new size and series of these books: the Sterling Edition.

Technological and printing improvements in the last decade helped make it possible to design and create a brand-new typesetting of the Bible and Science and Health. (Next year, we’ll follow up with Prose Works and the Church Manual.) Similar in size to the much-beloved Newtype Edition from the 1950s, the Sterling Edition will be available in paperback, hardcover, and navy blue leather (with silver page gilding and a silver Cross and Crown seal stamped on the textbook’s cover).

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