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A universal Truth, a universal Church

From the December 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Trammell, or “Trinka,” as she is affectionately known, received her doctorate degree in literature and Bible history and taught writing and journalism in the Florida public university system before becoming a Christian Science practitioner and teacher.

While a member of the Christian Science Board of Directors and holding various editorial positions with the Christian Science periodicals, including Editor in Chief, she traveled widely and wrote prolifically for the publications—and continues to contribute to them. Now a member of the Christian Science Board of Education, Trinka divides her time between Boston and Florida.

As we sit down to talk at The Mother Church, in Boston, her cellphone rings for the second time—a sweet reminder that wherever she goes, she takes her Christian Science practice with her. And from what she says, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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