The inner voice became to him the voice of God*
as Moses lifted up the serpent of belief in separate mind
and Oneness spoke aloud
that Mind-asserted “I AM All”—reclaimed
its full ascendancy to make the serpent, rod.
The inner voice became to him the voice of God
as Jesus saw the heavens open, heard the divine pronouncement
“This is My loved Son”—
experienced self to be God Self-understood
which (known and felt) then lifted him above the sod.
The inner voice became to her the voice of God
as Mary Baker Eddy sat in attic room and watched the pen
flow onto page as Word of God poured forth—
prophesied Comforter—
revealing Spirit, substance, to transform the clod.
The inner voice becomes to man the voice of God
when mortal mind is lost in Love that knows no other
but one Mind; and, taking off the shoes
of earth’s drear self-conceit, he humbly stands
in holy place where only angel feet have trod.