I had been married for about two years and was living in West Africa with my husband when we found out I was pregnant. This was exciting news for us, but it was also a bit scary. We were far from family and a familiar culture.
When we told the news to my mother-in-law, who lives in the United States, she mentioned a Christian Science practitioner she knew, and she suggested that I might like to contact this person.
I didn’t know anything about Christian Science at the time. Although my husband had grown up attending a Christian Science Sunday School, he wasn’t practicing it, so we never talked much about it. But around the time of my pregnancy he decided to turn to Christian Science. I come from a Christian background and grew up in a church, so I was very comfortable with the idea of prayer. Having what sounded like a “prayer friend” (the practitioner) to pray with me at this time seemed like a great idea.