One morning last August, I woke up with pain in one of my legs and a rash on parts of the foot, ankle, and shin. It is normal for me to wake up each morning, thanking God for His love and care, and I did so that morning, knowing they were with me then and I could be free of this condition. I also called a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me.
Although I was able to take care of necessary tasks, I wasn’t able to join my husband for our usual walk before dinner. After giving me a hug, he said he thought the condition was shingles, and that it would likely mean a lengthy, painful ordeal. (One of my brothers had been incapacitated by shingles for several months a few years earlier.) He then went into his office and researched the signs and symptoms on the Internet and concluded it was probably a “textbook case,” and not contagious.
I called the practitioner to let her know what my husband had said. She reminded me that we were not going to give names to diseases; we were going to name God’s name, meaning that we would recognize God as the only power and presence in this situation. I was most grateful for the practitioner’s example and expectation of quick healing.