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Spiritual Short

Never give up!

From the August 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When a friend sent me a fridge magnet with the words “Never, never, never give up,” I thought it an admirable sentiment to follow. However, there’s more to it than just the human element of striving to achieve a goal. Later, a simple yet powerful idea came to me—man cannot really give up being God’s image and likeness, any more than the image in the mirror can stop reflecting independently of its source. 

The Scriptures inform us, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him” (Genesis 1:27). It would be foolish, therefore, to believe that man as the image of God could dispossess God of His own creation! The truth of man’s inseparability from his divine source is a universal, spiritual constant of being—a fact that I have found to be a firm rock on which to plant my feet when faced with daunting challenges. 

The one thing we can give up, though, is the false concept that man and the universe are material. That has never, never, never been true!

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