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Of Good Report

Spanish translations—on radio and in print—change lives

From the August 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A man purchases two copies of the Spanish translation of Mary Baker Eddy’s book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures to take to his brothers during a visit to his home country. A woman, originally from Mexico and now going through a difficult divorce, finds help from a Spanish translation of Science and Health, a copy of El Heraldo, and a Spanish translation of the pamphlet “God’s Law of Adjustment.” These are just two of the lives that have been touched through Christian Scientists in the Washington, DC, area who have been broadcasting the weekly El Heraldo radio program since 2004. Many people have responded to the programs with gratitude and have become dedicated listeners who seldom miss a broadcast.

In addition to receiving the literature, sometimes people are led to attend church services. The woman mentioned above is fluent in English but enjoyed the Spanish service held at the Northern Virginia Jointly-Maintained Reading Room in Arlington, Virginia. Her two children enjoyed an impromptu Sunday School class just for them. A listener to El Heraldo for two years, she told about a healing while sharing after the Sunday service.During 2013, 25 copies of the Spanish translation of Science and Health were purchased by listeners. In addition 30 complimentary copies of El Heraldo were sent to callers. The Christian Science Media Committee in the Washington, DC, area helped make this possible. 

A renowned poet from Ecuador reached out to the Spanish group putting on the broadcasts. He first learned of Christian Science in 1980 during a visit to a Reading Room in Spain. While attending a conference for the Inter-American Development Bank he shared his experience at the Reading Room with a colleague who gave him his first copy of Science and Health. An avid listener to El Heraldo, he has been to a Christian Science lecture in Spanish, and has shared healings through Christian Science. 

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