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From the January 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man lives by divine decree. He is created, governed, supported, and controlled in accord with the law of God. Law means or implies a rule that is established and maintained by power; that which possesses permanence and stability; that which is unchanging, unyielding, and continuous,—"the same yesterday, and today, and forever." The efficiency of law rests entirely in the power that enforces it. A law (so called) that is incapable of being enforced is not law and bears no relationship to law. God is the only creator, the only lawmaker. All the power, action, intelligence, life, and government in the universe belong to God and have always belonged to Him. He is the Supreme Ruler, and does not share His power with another.

Paul said, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." So, too, we know that "the law of the Spirit of life" frees us from the law of sin and death. Why? Because all the power there is, is on the side of the law of Life, and that which is opposed to this law of Life is not law at all; it is only belief. In other words, every law of God has behind it infinite power to enforce it, while the so-called law of sin and death has no foundation, has nothing back of it that it can depend upon.

When we understandingly declare that the law of God is present and is in operation, we have invoked or brought into action the law and the power of God. We have declared the truth, God's truth—and that truth of God is the law of annihilation, obliteration, and elimination to everything that is unlike Him. When we have stated this truth, and applied it, as taught in Christian Science, to the discordant conditions with which we are confronted, we have done all that we can do and all that it is necessary for us to do in the destruction of any manifestation of error that ever claimed to exist. Error, which has no place in divine Mind, claims to exist in human thought. When we have put it out of human thought, we have driven it out of the only place where it ever had a foothold, and thereafter to us it becomes nothing.

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