HUMANLY speaking, the writer's great problem had always been that of lack, the belief in poverty having to mortal sense been hereditary; and while results in physical healing were obtained from the beginning of her study of Christian Science, it was long before the other problem gave any sign of yielding. She well remembers how eagerly she looked for testimonies bearing on this subject of overcoming want, and trusts the story of her experience may prove helpful to others.
After studying Christian Science for about seven years, I came to the town where I am now living to open a little private school, as I had canvassed the ground very thoroughly beforehand and had met with considerable encouragement. I arrived with barely enough money for one month's expenses, but with sufficient furniture for two rooms in the large apartment which was the only place that could be found at all suited to my needs.
I cast myself wholly on divine Love in making this venture, knowing that nothing else could bring me through. My class opened auspiciously with abundant good will and two pupils; but as this meant an income of only ten dollars a month, more than ever I saw the need of turning from material sense to Spirit and its imperishable, inexhaustible substance. There followed one of the hardest years of my life, but such a growing year that I was able to rejoice all the way; indeed I can hardly begin to enumerate the blessings which filled my days. There were constant answers to prayer. It almost seemed as though all the dear people I met were in league to help me, yet few knew of my circumstances, as I had learned to voice error as little as possible. There were no coverings of any sort on my floors, and this was noted by friends living near, when they spent an evening with me. The next day they kindly sent over some matting which had been stored away and which they were not likely to use, together with two chairs. The matting proved to be in excellent condition, and there was enough for two rooms, while the chairs for some time constituted the entire furnishing of the kitchen.