SOME nine years ago, when I was in practice as a surgeon, I first heard of Christian Science, and investigated it for the purpose of exposing what I considered to be its falsities. Soon, however, I became much interested in its teachings. About that time I had had two attacks of severe pain, followed by blindness in one eye of a few weeks' duration, the sight remaining more impaired after each attack. I had failed to get medical diagnosis beyond the fact that there was pressure on the optic nerve, although more than one specialist had been consulted. A third attack decided me to try Christian Science treatment, though it was more as a test than from any belief in the teaching. Probably because of this the healing was slow, but it went on till I could see equally well with both eyes, and I have not had any more trouble of this kind.
I have never used medicine since this healing, and my health has greatly improved. Formerly I was subject to bronchitic attacks which would keep me in the house for a week at least, and I was much troubled with headache and muscular rheumatism; but since coming into Science I have only once been confined to the house with bronchitis for a week, and all other ailments have been healed by Christian Science without my being off duty for more than one day at a time. I have been enabled to give up the use of alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine snuff; while a chronic nasal condition, for which I had undergone several operations and which was the cause of my beginning to use the snuff, has also disappeared.
About two years ago an abnormal growth came on my hand and grew very rapidly, appearing to be of a malignant nature. The temptation to have it cut out was strong, but I felt that I must go on with Christian Science, even if it cost the material sense of life, for just at that time I was in a mental state of great confusion and depression. I had Christian Science treatment for over five months, during which time the growth increased in size, although the mental condition improved from the very first. I gradually became conscious that the fear was disappearing, and when the practitioner intimated that I might stop treatment, I felt that I could go on myself. Within the next two months the growth disappeared, and there is hardly a mark to show where it was.