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Testimonies of Healing

Overcoming adverse effects of flying

From the March 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Last year I was planning to fly from Australia to London to visit my daughter. Before booking the flight, I knew I needed to pray. On my previous visit I had lost consciousness on board the return flight, and I was afraid of a recurrence. Also, on previous trips, I had suffered from swollen ankles and jet lag. In fact, it became evident to me that I had accepted the commonly held notion that flying economy on long-distance flights is not a happy experience, and could have negative impacts on one’s health.

I knew I needed to face these fearful suggestions and dispel them. And I was certain this could be done by gaining a clearer understanding of the divine laws that are perpetually governing man. These are laws of harmony, and they are always operating in every place, including in an airplane and on the other side of the earth. That week’s Christian Science Bible Lesson contained this delightful statement from Second Corinthians: “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place” (2:14). In every place! I laughed at how pertinent that was for me. In that airplane, all that I could savor, or delight in, was the presence of the Christ. Being up in the air did not mean I’d be somehow abandoned by God, left to fend for myself against harmful physical forces. 

I realized that it was not my personal responsibility to ensure I survived the flights in good health. During long flights, and always, God is responsible for my health and well-being. My role is simply to fully accept this, and to feel the power and presence of Love’s control. 

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