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Spiritual Short

Expectancy and healing

From the March 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This originally appeared as a “What Sunday School meant to me” blog on Adapted from a testimony submitted for The Mother Church’s online Wednesday testimony meeting.

As a very young child in the Christian Science Sunday School, I learned to be expectant of healing. Fifty years later, I still rely on that beautiful quality of being expectant—expectant of joy, healing, supply, love, peace, and health, for me and for everyone.

I had a Sunday School teacher who would tell me, “God is Love, and you are His perfect reflection; God is All-in-all, and you should always expect healing.” I learned that no matter how sad or mad or hurt I felt, praying to our Father-Mother God is always the key to making it better. These effective truths led me in a path of spiritual growth, humility, and grace. And just as light knows no darkness, I came to learn that God is my best friend, ever present and always comforting, supporting, and showing me the unreality of any seeming plight.

The first healing I remember having as a child, without calling my mother or a Christian Science practitioner, was when I prayed after being stung by a wasp. To me at that point, healing was simple: you prayed and the problem was immediately healed. So I thought through each line of the Lord’s Prayer, which I was told meets every human need. This was marked, along with its spiritual interpretation, in green crayon in my copy of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (see pp. 16–17). The wasp sting was healed instantly. This showed me that quick healing is a normal, natural outcome of turning to God with complete trust in His love and care for us.

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