Since God is Love and the only power, then man, all men and women, must be the expression of God, good. Jesus taught us to bless our enemies, to love them. If we look at others honestly, aren’t we bound by divine law to see and accept the same spiritual qualities as inherent in their nature as in ours? Willingness to do this brings out more of the divinity we commonly share as the children of one Father-Mother God. Jesus asked, “For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them” (Luke 6:32).
Spiritual sense is the capacity each of us has to discern between what is real—all good—and what is unreal. When we utilize this natural spiritual sense, we can recognize as always present the enduring things of God—including tenderness, meekness, unselfishness, and love—even when faced with contrary material evidence.
Jesus often taught his disciples through parables, from which they gained a deeper understanding of healing and salvation. In the Gospel of Matthew we read of one of these lessons. Jesus used the example of a good man, who planted good seed in his field. His servants noticed that tares, or weeds, were growing up alongside the wheat, and wondered what should be done (see Matthew 13:24–30).