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Maintaining and defending our healing mission and practice

From the March 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every student of Christian Science has a mission: to heal. The practice of the Science of Christ is our life. And it’s important, in our own thought, to daily establish our practice and maintain our mission on a spiritual basis of Christ-healing, as Christ Jesus did his church and mission. I’ve come to see the truth of these points in my own experience.  

Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). Isn’t God always calling all of us, who are in truth His children? Aren’t the “chosen” those who respond to this calling, who listen for His voice and follow Him? J. B. Phillips translates a biblical mandate to the early Christians in this way: “It is for you now to demonstrate the goodness of him who has called you out of darkness into his amazing light” (I Peter 2:9, The New Testament in Modern English).

When I went through Primary class instruction in Christian Science, I felt the assurance that we were God-called, God-chosen, and God-equipped and that our practice of this Science was our life. Returning home after class, I continued to ponder this. I thought about how Jesus commanded his disciples to heal. It wasn’t an option; it was what being a Christian demanded. This is still true today. The healing practice of the Science of the Christ isn’t about waiting until we know more or have nothing else to do. It is beginning this minute to put into practice what we do know of God.

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