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From the December 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Boston Herald

The regular monthly meeting of the Christian Scientists Association was held yesterday afternoon at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. The president, Prof. M. B. G. Eddy, presided, and gave a profound and highly instructive lecture upon the "Subtlety of sin and the Christian Scientists' method of meeting and destroying it through the action of wisdom and love." Reports from various branch societies in the suburbs and other cities, especially Chicago and Lawrence, Mass., indicate a rapid growth in metaphysical study as a method of healing disease. New students were admitted from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and from several Massachusetts cities. The hour of meeting was changed from 3 to 2 o'clock P.M., on the first Wednesday of each month. Auxiliary meetings every alternate Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. — Boston Herald,

Dr. E. N. Harris, D.D.S., member of the Christian Scientists' Association, has the honor of being the first dentist to bring the subject of mental healing before the dental profession of this country.

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