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From the December 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Christian Scientist Association, the oldest society of metaphysical healers, has been subject since ever it was organized, to the membership of some few too weak or too wicked to conform to, and keep pace with its grand requirements.

Its object is progression, its methods reformatory and uplifting, and its president, the author of "Science and Health," is revered in her words and works.

A change in the leniency of the Association toward offending members will prevent all disaster. In my opinion it is advisable to have a standing committee to thoroughly look up the character of all applicants for membership. This will save the expulsion of unworthy members. The religious character and longsuffering charity of our society have been weighed in the balance and not found wanting, even toward those who trample upon such pearls. But now let us keep this class out of our society.

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