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Metaphysics is the science of God, the science...

From the December 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Metaphysics is the science of God, the science which teaches us to know exactly the relation we bear as creations to our Creator, and which produces the certain knowledge of all our duties toward Him, toward each other, and toward ourselves. To be a true metaphysician is to have strength, wisdom, fortitude, at our command, to meet all the vicissitudes, shame, reproach, opposition, of the world. It is to love justice, mercy, truth, and to abhor evil. It is to abide under the shadow of the Almighty, sufficient unto each hour of life.

There is but one Truth. If we say we distinguish many, the saying is born of the limited nature of our mortal understanding which separates the unity into many.

The book of general revelation has been grievously misread by the wisest of all the religious of the world but the Christ. Not one of them has ever found a key to the interpretation of the elder Scripture of the heart, or Nature's pages. But one has read these things aright; has awakened into His likeness, and henceforth may sit in His presence — the presence of Wisdom, justified, viz: Christianity.

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