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Letters & Conversations

Letters and Cases of Healing

From the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[Names and addresses of practitioners and patients noted below furnished on application to Mrs. E. Hopkins, 571 Columbus Ave., Boston.]

Editors "Christian Science" Journal:

I was greatly amused by the relation of the experience of a Christian Scientist in connection with an M. D. A family of four were nearly asphyxiated by charcoal gas. Nobody knew what the trouble really was, but they were very ill. Two of them (equally sick with the other two) sent for an M. D., and two sent for a C. S. The M. D. treated for paralysis; the C. S. treated as instructed in mental science The C. S.'s patients rallied at once, and were as well as ever in a little while. The M. D.'s two grew worse and worse, and himself went home overcome with the gas, which had not escaped from the premises. Pretty good triumph for C. S. Reporter.

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