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Nor can there be found a more rigorous...

From the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nor can there be found a more rigorous type of practical morality, or clearer denunciations of evil-doing in every form, than exist among Christian Scientists. When they call sin "error," "delusion," "phantom," they mean, not what critics assume, but that the real man, who was created in the image of God, does not commit them. When they look abroad,, and behold mankind immersed in sense,, and blind to the truth of God, they feel,, as every Christian must feel, that there is nothing else in the universe so terrible as sin.—Christian Science is not Pantheism.

"The soul shall have society of its own rank:
Be great, be true, and all the Scipios,
The Catos, the wise patriots of Rome,
Shall dock to you and tarry by your side,
And comfort you with their high company."

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