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From the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man made theories remedies for the soul and body. Laws of matter, etc., are nothing more than laws of mortal belief. Jesus never taught or practised theology, physiology, or materia medica, but he healed the sick, and reformed sinners. Paul was not the disciple of Jesus, but he followed his example and teachings, and the result was he healed the sick, and introduced Christianity into Rome. If we would follow Christ, Truth, it must be in the way of its appointment, and Jesus said: "The works that I do, ye shall do." He that would reach Truth, and find this divine source a remedy for every ill, must not climb up some other way and rob God. Theology teaches us to love God with all the heart; but we cannot love Spirit supremely, and garner our affections in spiritual things while we are loving the material, relying on drugs instead of God to heal our sickness, and seeking Truth of formula, dogma, and ritualism; asking a personal God, instead of the Principle that is God, for Truth, and for the divine science that reveals this Principle and demonstrates it, casting out error, healing the sick, and destroying death.—Science and Health.

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