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From the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are told that "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," and Christian Science has often proven that. "The still, small voice" of Truth encompasses the world, and reaches the spiritual sense of man wherever he is. To some it comes dully, feebly, and the response is indifferent, the carnival of error being at its height, or the individual wrapped in the ego of his own belief. The idols that we set up must be destroyed, and pride and ambition in things temporal set at naught.

When one says, "I shall believe in Christian Science if I am healed, or my family," he is putting to test the power of God; and perhaps he or his are not ready to make the sacrifice necessary for the healing touch to come. Envy, temper, malice and self-aggrandizement are cardinal sins, and no one can realize the senses spiritual until he seeks to overcome them. When we seek to touch "the hem of the robe," we do it in humility and with reverence, knowing that the importance and consequence of mortality is vanity and delusion. The help from Christian Science, the understanding of Truth, should not be sought in bravado, nor given up with a taunt.

Some individuals need but to hear the truth uttered and they are every whit whole. They have caught the true tone, and have taken it up, and will hold it for ever, bringing out more and more of Divine harmony until they attain the perfect stature of man, "the image and likeness of God." For those whose ears are dulled, and who do not hear quickly, more work is required for them to gain their inheritance.

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