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From the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some years ago it was my privilege to obtain an interview with the famous tragedian Salvini. But as he spoke no English and I spoke no Italian we were obliged to converse through an interpreter.

I desired to express to the greatest actor of his time my enjoyment of his impersonation of "Othello," and asked the interpreter to say to Salvini that I greatly regretted being unable to express my feelings myself in any language that he could understand. His answer was, "Say to the lady, that there is one language which is the same in all climes and among all people—the language of the soul. You have spoken to me in that language, and I also have answered you."

What is this language of the soul, outside of and before Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English, Italian? Whence came it? How far back in the buried centuries did it originate? What are its laws?—what the rules by which to master it? Is it finite, or infinite? Is the human voice its mouthpiece? or the human ear its auditor? Can the human hand transcribe its meanings, or the eye of man read its messages? We have a right to answers to these questions, and under the light of the Science of this universal language as brought to our age we are answered.

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