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From the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many invalids, who seem to all appearances Christ-like and good, yet with all their goodness are still physical sufferers, would not be so were it not for the belief back of all, and stronger than all, in the laws of physiology, hygiene, etc., or in some sin entailed upon them by parents.

This belief of a law of discord or accident operating against mankind is in itself a sin, and meets its due punishment in the consequences of belief. Where the understanding is cultivated to know that there can be no clash of substance, no disturbance in the realm of harmony—no accident is possible, no sickness or death can threaten. When the substance of Mind is recognized as the origin, Life, intelligence, and harmony of the body, it will be seen that no portion of the body can be lost, or injured, or destroyed. The belief of intelligence in the physical body to guide its supposed substance, is the producer of all sin; the tree of knowledge, which includes all the physical sciences, or sciences of matter, that, carried to their ultimatum, lead men away into the arid sands of blank materialism and despair.

That which heals the sick is the statement that produces harmony, i.e., one God, the Law giver, infinite Life, infinite Intelligence. To comprehend the full significance of this is to be "endued with power from on high," not only over disease and pain, but over sin and death and misfortune, so that all the conditions and circumstances of life are under our dominion.

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