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From the July 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Psychical research is the order of the day. From the farthest East, where the study and practice of Occult Science are most extensive, from the English Society of investigation, and from the general stir of thought in our own country, come the "signs of the times" whereby to foretell with mathematical precision the dawn of a new era.

Mankind has become dissatisfied with matter as a lawgiver, finding no efficacy for the ills of flesh in its pharmacopia, no panacea for its woes in its tenets and laws. "Give us something which will make us well and happy," is the despairing cry of humanity; and by the very law of opposites, man will, of necessity, rush into the realm of mind to get the relief matter has failed to yield.

"Vive le roi, le roi est mort, " is the voice of the hour.

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