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From the July 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Whatever failures in proof of the Principle involved, faltering ones at the blackboard of life may make, the basis is still there, unalterable and available. When a boy at the board with his problems comes across one that seems beyond him, and whose operations are unknown to him, he does not, because of that fact, begin to declare that it cannot be solved. Any child doing that, would be esteemed foolish. But that is exactly what people are doing who find difficult problems in the book of life. All their anathemas are the conclusions of children, that problems they have not learned to master, are insoluble by the laws of Science. Truth needs no noisy defence. Utter it, and its powerful workings will amaze a world of error, and educate the host of ignorance. Good is omnipresent and omnipotent. Reflect upon that statement; rely upon it; rest in it; watch its comforting operations upon the thoughts of your heart. Do not say the Science of it is mis-called because it seems to mortal sense undemonstrable. Strive to enter into league with its blessed purpose. It will reward your efforts.      

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