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From the January 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Having had so many beautiful gifts of the season, I group them all in one constellation of gratitude, and point to a few of them sparkling in the heavens of my heart.

Beautiful beyond description, and hallowed by the truest friendship, is a jewelry casket, just arrived from my students in Chicago. Beneath the matchless cover is engraven "Christmas," my name, and the year. Nestled on tinted cushions is a card, having on it " Season's Greetings," Bradford Sherman and Mattie E. Sherman. The design is in silver and gold, chased, grooved, and mounted with silver leaves, fruit and birds, gracefully disposed in modest artistic effect.

Received from my students, Mrs. Geo. Lancaster of Lexington, Ky., and Mrs. J. Hamilton Bell of Chicago, an embroidered table-cover of crimson satin and blue velvet. In beauty of style, tints and arrangement, the above is purely perfect.

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