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From the January 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The growth and progress of Christian Science has created a new want, and we have been feeling how much our little folks need a school, where the common, and the advanced branches also, of education, should be taught from the higher, healthier plane of thought attained through Christian Science. There is not an avenue of thought where this advance movement of Truth does not enter, separating the tares from the wheat, and shedding new light upon old ways.

We have seen the need of having our children reared in the atmosphere of healthy thought and right living; that they shall not be trained to entertain a proper regard for fear, but to an understanding of their true relation to God, to man and the universe; to their right and dominion through the power of Mind.

To this end, a school is being established under the educational department of the Christian Science Association. The lines of study to be followed are similar to those which the system of our public schools of Boston uses. While the same studies be pursued, still the different bases of thought which Christian Science has revealed will give so entirely different an appearance to the same pursuits, as to seem almost a different line of study; but it is not so. Indeed, it is simply reversing the angle of vision. The facts remain the same; but viewed in the simplicity of Truth, the eternal harmony becomes visible. To express it crudely, we have been mentally standing upon our heads, and therefore things necessarily have looked queer; but as we have been placed upon our feet, through Truth and the patience of our kind teacher, we find that that which has seemed very upside-down was due only to our own mental inversion. We have only to carry out the figure, and it explains many of the new and strange experiences that we undergo as we look upon old things from our righted position. What's to assure us we're on our feet now, instead of our heads? The clearness and simplicity of the harmonious whole so soon becomes apparent, that the conviction of assurance is ours.

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