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From the January 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Journal: I want to say a few words through your columns in the way of acknowledgment; perhaps they may reach someone as needy as I was, and give them courage,—the courage of hope, made strong by the sweet promises of reward for faithfulness,—faithfulness over the little things of our daily life. I am learning the alphabet of Christian Science. I am still in the a b c; but the benefits already derived are such as to make one feel a strong desire to reach out to those who have not yet begun, and encourage them.

Humanity needs Christian Science. I do not care how rich it is in the things of earth, it is poor if it has no understanding of the Science of Christianity, for that is what enables us to labor without fatigue, enjoy without suffering, realize pleasure without pain; to greet every morning with gladness, and every evening with thanksgiving; if you are injured by your enemy, to forgive him yet seven times, yea, and love him,—for I take it there is no forgiveness without love; if you have burdens to bear, each day finds you with strength sufficient for that day. This I have had glimpses of in the a b c; what it is going to be farther on is most too much to grasp yet, but if faithful over the few things, there will surely come the reward promised in the Word. I want to say to all you who hunger and would be fed, You have only to turn your faces, and take one step in the right direction, to be met with a full reward; for that step is the understanding of how to take the next, and the next, and each step in advance adds a new joy, a new gladness. Come, and see for yourselves. Our Sunday-School and Church extend hands of welcome.

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