Infinite Spirit! Supreme and "adorable" Intelligence! we revere thee; for thou art Omnipresent Life. We praise thee; for thou art Omniscient Truth; and we adore thee, for thou art Omnipotent Love. We thank Thee, and rejoice that we can, with the understanding, in Spirit and Truth, worship Thee as our Father and our God. Help us to realize Thy nearness to us; even that it is in Thee that we "live, move, and have our being and may our knowledge of Thee increase, till we can, with the confidence that is begotten of the understanding, take hold of Thy great and precious promises, and realize that Thou art an ever-present help in every time of need. May each human life be a prayer of good deeds, and a continued anthem of praise and thanksgiving; thus fulfilling the divine injunction to "pray without ceasing, and in all things to give thanks and may we be abundantly blessed in our efforts to attune our thoughts in accord with Thy great and harmonious laws of being, and while our hearts are warmed with a flame of sacred love from Thine own great heart of Parental Affection, may we be led by thy wisdom into all truth. We ask all in the name of him who said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life and "Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world."