Mrs. Eddy: I wish to testify, through the columns of the Journal, what Christian Science has done for me, through the healing power of Miss S. R. Kenney, of Boston, your former student. I had for twenty years been troubled with swelling and inflammation in my limbs; at times I suffered severe pain; the flesh was drawn "in hard knots all below the knees, and these were sore to the touch, like the stinging of a bee. The swelling was great, especially if I walked only a short distance, and the pain at times very acute. In addition to this, I was a great sufferer from a heart-trouble; so that for two or three days at a time I was completely prostrated. Sometimes this lasted weeks, which kept me weak and quite unfit to attend to my home duties. I had suffered from this trouble nearly ten years, with little or no relief from the doctors. I met Miss Kenney here in Hillsdale, where she was stopping at the time; she gave me but one treatment for the heart-trouble, and I have not been afflicted with that since. My limbs are now perfectly well; the soreness, the hardness of flesh, swelling and inflammation, have entirely disappeared. I can walk with perfect ease long distances, a thing I could not do when young. And I might add, that under this wonderful treatment, all other diseases, like neuralgia of the stomach, constipation and kidney-trouble, have passed away, as if by magic; and I am now a well woman, and able to do the work for a large family; for which I gratefully return thanks to God.
Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 9, 1886.