Oh do not bar your mind
Against the Light of Good;
But open wide, let in the Word,
And Truth will be your food.
It will from error free
Your long-enslaved mind;
And bring the light of liberty
Where it shall be enshrined.
Hid treasures it reveals
To all who know its power,
And all who will may light receive,
In this most gracious hour.
Christ is the Truth, the Life,
The Way to God most high;
By him let every sinner come,
For he is ever nigh.
He, in the flesh, revealed
The Father's power and love,
By healing those to him who came,
Thus drawing them above,—
Above the power of sin,
Of fear and death and hell,
To Life, to Light, to joy and peace,
An endless-flowing well.
Then open wide your heart
To Truth and Light and Love;
You then shall know your Life is hid
With Christ in God above.