Rejoice with us! We of Brooklyn feel that our Father has indeed set the seal of His approval upon our work. For several months we have thought and talked about securing more central and commodious rooms. Our desires finally took form in the appointment of a committee to look for a house suited to our purposes. One was easily found which, for situation, convenience, and beauty of decoration, could not be excelled, and while much hard work has been done, it has been done so easily that no one has seemed to feel the strain.
On Thursday evening, November 22, the house was opened to the public. The rooms were crowded with an interested audience, which was instructively addressed by Mr. Bates, of Syracuse; Mrs. Stetson, of New York; and Mrs. Leonard, principal of the Brooklyn Christian Science Institute, and others.
Thus has Christian Science, in three short years, obtained a foothold in this city, which we believe no enemy can overcome, if we continue the faithful, trusting work which has been so signally blessed. We have a Students' Christian Scientist Association, numbering fifty members, who are pledged to the platform of Christian Science, and probably more than fifty others who have given themselves to its study, and have aided us greatly by their contributions and advice, who no doubt will soon be found more closely allied with us. A very encouraging feature of our work is, that very many who have not yet identified themselves with us in any way, have become greatly interested in the Cause, and are anxiously, if not openly, inquiring the way of salvation.