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From the December 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Long, long ago there was witnessed, at dead of night, a sight in the heavens more wonderful than had ever before been witnessed by human eye. No astronomer, however well versed in his science, has ever hinted at the cause of this strange phenomenon. Though it filled those who saw it with awe and terror, so that "they were sore afraid," it was not a warning of impending evil, but brought such a promise of peace and joy as never before was whispered in human ears.

The phenomenon referred to was the Star of Bethlehem, which blazed out through the dark night of old, bathing a world of woe in a hallowed light never before seen by mortals. Shining in the East, from whence cometh the light, it led mankind to the manger, where, cradled in humble obscurity, lay our Master,—the Prince of Peace. This guiding Star appeared to be a physical phenomenon; but we must look upon this vision in a higher sense (since matter has been shorn of its reality) and consider this heavenly light in its spiritual significance.

From this height of thought the Star of Bethlehem becomes a glimmer of Truth, rising above materiality, and blazing out through the dark night of sense, burning away the clouds of belief, and leading to the living Christ,—a glimmer of immortal light, traversing the darkness of human belief, rising higher and higher above worldliness, ever beckoning pilgrims to the habitation of the perfect Idea of God.

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