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From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"And I will take sickness away from the midst of thee."—Ex. xxiii. 25; see also Deut. vii. 15.

This is one of the gracious promises found in the old Testament. God speaks for all time so that His promises are good for to-day. These words surely indicate that health and strength may be ours, if sought from the proper source, and in the right way. Christian Science shows health to be in Mind, not matter, in Truth, not error, in Love instead of selfishness, in Soul instead of in sense. In the Bible, and through all the ages are found reliable testimonies that prove beyond question the truthfulness of our text. But there is none so great as is found through coming into an understanding of the Christ-Science; so that sicknesses and errors of sense are dispelled in ourselves and others. Thus are brought to pass the words of our Master, "the works that I do shall ye do also," not through the personal Jesus, but through the Spirit that manifested itself in him. In Christian Science conscious realization or understanding of Truth which is in harmony, takes away or destroys sickness; and true Being, which is harmonious, becomes recognized. Let us hold to the real and Eternal, thinking only good thoughts, and thus the divine idea will be made manifest in health, happiness, harmony, and holiness.

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