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Testimonies of Healing

The following is a demonstration of the power of Truth to heal...

From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following is a demonstration of the power of Truth to heal morally and Spiritually as well as physically. A man who was called an infidel—in belief very profane in his talking, also a slave to appetite for both whiskey and tobacco—came as an invalid for physical healing. Previous to his coming he had heard of some of his neighbors being healed by Christian Science, but laughed at the idea. At last he came, said he wanted to be healed, and had come to take treatment. I treated him, and told him to go home and throw away all his medicine; to go to work, and Truth would heal him. He did so. The result is he has quit his profanity as well as the belief of appetite for whiskey and tobacco. Both have been entirely destroyed, and he now believes the Bible. He procured a copy of Science and Health and is reading it. He says there is more in Christianity than he thought there was. His physical healing was also complete. This demonstration occurred over a year ago.—Belleville, Kan.

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