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From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With the December issue, Brother J. F. Bailey's editorial relation with the Journal ceased. He will, however, continue a contributor in connection with work in healing and teaching. Under the present editorial management, we trust all interested in the Cause of Christian Science, and consequently in the prosperity of its recognized Periodical, will feel even stronger prompting than ever before individually to help sustain it with the best thought, the clearest realization of Truth given them. The Journal is no less what Scientists themselves make it now, than heretofore. Let us "assemble ourselves together," join hands— cordial thoughts—and do valiantly for the charge entrusted to us by our Teacher and Leader, The Christian Science Journal!

At the January meeting (held the first Wednesday of each month in the Reading Room 62 Boylston St., Boston) a large number were present, and it proved a decidedly harmonious and profitable gathering. One of the most interesting topics presented for discussion, was that of the children in our Sabbath Schools. Certainly the leading of these little ones into the understanding of Life and Love—if not the most beautiful—is at least one of the most beautiful in the Master's Vineyard. Our Teacher has said: "The children will make the Scientists." Surely this is a subject for earnest consideration; and it is one upon which for some time there have been signs of general awakening. In some localities, missionary work has been undertaken in this direction, and with good results. Let it spread throughout the length and breadth of the land.

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