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Letters & Conversations


From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Extracts from letters addressed to Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy.

My Dear Teacher:—After seven years of constant daily study of this most wonderful book, Science and Health, I find its pages just as fresh and beautiful as at my first reading. At that time it seemed that the gate of heaven opened, and such a flood of light and love came in that I did not know how to contain it all. In my intense desire for the world to know of its brightness and beauty, its healing of sorrow and grief in whatever form—whether sickness or sin—I went out to carry it to my fellow beings; and the demonstrations have been wonderful, seeming as natural and normal as the breath of life. How often I've thought: "Could she only know the many households, wherein tears have been wiped away, and sorrow healed, rejoicing to-day in this blessed foretaste of heaven!" In one instance, the husband, as the wife herself said to me, had been "transformed from the gutter to the possession of his right mind." Said she: "Look at my husband, my surroundings; my comfortable, almost luxurious home—joy heaven, where it was sorrow and hell; and," pointing to the little book Science and Health on her table, "all because of that little book!" She would not allow even a newspaper beside it on the table, so sacred was the ''little book" to her, which is now the daily study of them both. Such instances are all over our broad land. It surely is God's Word —His best gift to fallen man; our rich inheritance, our salvation from sin sickness and death. Every day's mail brings fresh testimonies of the good being done by this book. The piles of testimonials which I have are marvellous in the nature of them; some coming from homes of wealth, others from the humblest homes of poverty and ignorance—but all alike share its wonderful healing power. With love and gratitude no words can express, I am your student.—

P. S. It is well that little note from you appeared in the Dec. Journal, for you else would have been covered with presents. Our Association, No. 44, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and vicinity, has eighty or more members, each of whom was arranging to send to the author of Science and Health some token of love and appreciation of the good accomplished through its study. We all thought as this had not been discountenanced, that it was right and acceptable; but that note was so uplifting in its spirit of real love, that we were made glad to send spiritual gifts—which we do daily, even more: every moment of our lives. Gratitude and Love form the one thought of us all. They are so nearly alike that love alone is the fullest expression of both.—

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